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Coverslipping Devices

IPI's film coverslipping equipment covers a wide spectrum of users from our manual IPI Pathocut  for small volume laboratories and research facilities, to our single-slide automatic IPI Pathoslide  for Frozen Sections and medium sized laboratories and to, finally, our IPI Pathomat  for high volume laboratories.

IPI Pathocut

IPI Pathocut is our single-slide manual film coverslipper. IPI Pathocut is suitable for small labs, Mohs clinics, Frozen Section labs and cytology samples. It also serves as an competent backup unit for film coverslipping during maintenance, equipment errors and for repairing damaged slides. 

IPI Pathoslide

IPI Pathoslide is our single-slide automated coverslipper. As a variable and compact film coverslipper, IPI Pathoslide offers smaller laboratories, frozen sections, and training and research facilities the possibility to benefit from the advantages of film coverslipping with low sample volume.

IPI Pathomat

IPI Pathomat is our fully automated film coverslipper. This generation of coverslipper is suitable for routine histology labs as well as labs that need to coverslip cytology samples and slides from clinical pathology or veterinary labs.







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